The Essence of Liberty (Volume 2)

The Essence of Liberty (Volume 2)

The Economics of Liberty


Jimmy T. LaBaume

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This author discovered Libertarianism somewhat by accident in late 1994 or early 1995 through an article in a popular outdoor magazine.

The article outlined and explained the “official” party platform of the Libertarian Party. That was the first time this article had ever heard of any such party. I thought to myself, ‘Damn, I was born a libertarian and didn’t even know it.’

Over the years, I had sat in a multitude of economics and political science classes. Never once had I heard the names Ludvig von Mises, Murray Rothbard or any of the others for that matter. But this thing called “libertarianism” just made common sense. I was eager to learn but I was on my own.

I begin to read and outline books for my own learning benefit. This quickly led to the discovery of THE ETHICS OF LIBERTY by Murray N. Rothbard, the father of what some call Radical Libertarianism or Anarcho-Capitalism.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe described it as “Rothbard’s unique contribution to the rediscovery of property and property rights as the common foundation of both economics and political philosophy, and the systematic reconstruction and conceptual integration of modern, marginalist economics and natural-law political philosophy into a unified moral science: libertarianism.”

After having spent a lifetime searching for an objective, consistent way to make ethical choices, I had finally found it. At this point, I was a hooked Anarcho-Capitalist.

I continued to read, outline and learn. That eventually led to the launch of a web site called

Then it dawned on me that, if I converted my outlines into prose, they would make very good condensed (Cliff Note type) book reviews for my web page. This was the birth of what I called “The Essence of Liberty Series.”

It was not until years later that I came to realize that the individual parts of this series could be combined and organized into a book that might be useful, especially for those who are new to the idea of liberty. So that is how we got here.

This collection of condensed versions of some very good books is not intended to be the comprehensive, end all, burning bush of liberty. It is simply a synopsis of the books that had the most influence on me during my journey out of the darkness of neo-conservatism.

My general purpose with The Essence of Liberty is to provide an introduction and sound basic foundation in the fundamentals of a discipline that integrates sound, free market principles of economics with a property rights-natural law based ethic into a single whole—a truly universal philosophy of political economy applicable to all men at all times and in all places.

I attempt to accomplish this by offering a set of condensed versions of some of the classical as well as modern works in the “science” of liberty. I hope to “capture the essence of liberty” in as few words as possible and in a language understandable by the reasonably intelligent person without formal education in political science or economics. By necessity, any condensation or compression of complex arguments into a fraction of their original length will involve some oversimplification. I hope to do this without distortion. I refer the reader to the appropriate chapter and section of the original work for the facts, figures and other details. In this manner, I hope to whet the appetite for the original and more.

My ultimate objective is to make these logically based, common sense ideas available to a wider audience and, thereby, make a small contribution to the struggle for liberty. If I succeeded, that will have been my only small claim to originality because the ideas are from the minds and the pens of the authors. The errors are mine.

The Essence of Liberty is organized into a series of three volumes:

Volume I: Liberty and History: The Rise and Fall of the Noble Experiment with Constitutionally Limited Government.

Volume II: The Economics of Liberty

Volume III: Liberty: A Universal Political Ethic

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A note from the curator: You may see throughout the site banners promoting Liberty Classroom. As a very satisfied Master Member, I cannot recommend enough the courses within Liberty Classroom, all of which are imbued with the philosophy of freedom, including How Freedom Settled the West and History of Conservatism and Libertarianism. In full disclosure, Books of Liberty will get a small advertising fee for purchases made through our link.


The economics category, as expected, is very well represented within the pages of this site. Of all the economics books, around half are explicitly Austrian Economics texts, and (with a significant overlap) around half discuss monetary theory. You may search specifically for economic treatises or books about economists; you will find historical or theoretical accounts of financial crises; you will stumble upon recent books on crypto-currencies (like bitcoin), books covering topics like income or wealth inequality, as well as more technical subjects like price theory, monopoly, division of labor, public choice theory and others. Additionally, critiques of Keynesian economics are to be found throughout the books in this category.

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A note from the curator: Liberty Classroom provides courses like: Austrian Economics Step by Step, two courses on the History of Economic Thought, and What’s Wrong with Textbook Economics, to name a few. With courses like these, how can you not become a fan of Liberty Classroom? I know I am.

And would you like your homeschoolers to learn economics right the first time around? The Ron Paul Curriculum homeschool program covers 12th grade economics from teachers you can trust. In full disclosure, Books of Liberty will get a small advertising fee for purchases made through our links.


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A note from the curator: With a variety of literature homeschool courses the Ron Paul Curriculum homeschool program does not disappoint. Western Literature, American Literature and Classic Autobiographies are covered in the high school years. My experience of literature in public school was horrendous and I wish I had the curriculum and approach provided by Ron Paul’s program instead. Books of Liberty gets advertising fees for those who purchase through our links.