Principles of Ethics

Principles of Ethics



Herbert Spencer

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This professionally prepared ebook is an electronic edition of the book that is designed for reading on digital readers like Nook, Kindle, iPad, Sony Reader, and other products including iPhone and Android smart phones. The text reflows depending on your font preferences and it contains links from navigation.

This two volume treatise by the classic liberal political theorist and philosopher Herbert Spencer has been considered by many to be his most influential work. The full compilation of its parts lasted almost a half century from the early 1840's to its publication in 1898. In this treatise, Spencer attempts to provide a basis for ethics built on principles of evolutionary biology. A wide array of topics are covered and explored involving conduct and the induction of ethics as well as justice, rights, and beneficence. This work is a crucial philosophical contribution to these and other subjects related to ethical conduct.

This very well may be the only eBook on the web for Herbert Spencer's Principles of Ethics!

General Preface

Preface to Vol. I

Preface to Part I: When First Issued Seperately

Part I: The Data of Ethics

Chapter I: Conduct In General

Chapter II: The Evolution of Conduct

Chapter III: Good And Bad Conduct

Chapter IV: Ways of Judging Conduct

Chapter V: The Physical View

Chapter VI: The Biological View

Chapter VII: The Psychological View

Chapter VIII: The Sociological View

Chapter IX: Criticisms And Explanations

Chapter X: The Relativity of Pains And Pleasures

Chapter XI: Egoism Versus Altruism

Chapter XII: Altruism Versus Egoism

Chapter XIII: Trial And Compromise

Chapter XIV: Conciliation

Chapter XV: Absolute And Relative Ethics

Chapter XVI: The Scope of Ethics

Appendix To Part I: The Conciliation

Part II: The Inductions of Ethics

Chapter I: The Confusion of Ethical Thought

Chapter II: What Ideas And Sentiments Are Ethical?

Chapter III: Aggression

Chapter IV: Robbery

Chapter V: Revenge

Chapter VI: Justice

Chapter VII: Generosity

Chapter VIII: Humanity

Chapter IX: Veracity

Chapter X: Obedience

Chapter XI: Industry

Chapter XII: Temperance

Chapter XIII: Chastity

Chapter XIV: Summary of Inductions

Part III: The Ethics of Individual Life

Chapter I: Introductory

Chapter II: Activity

Chapter III: Rest

Chapter IV: Nutrition

Chapter V: Stimulation

Chapter VI: Culture

Chapter VII: Amusements

Chapter VIII: Marriage

Chapter IX: Parenthood

Chapter X: General Conclusions


References to Vol. I

Titles of Works


Preface To Vol. II

Preface to Part IV: When First Issued Seperately

Part IV: Justice

Chapter I: Animal-Ethics

Chapter II: Sub-Human Justice

Chapter III: Human Justice

Chapter IV: The Sentiment of Justice

Chapter V: The Idea of Justice

Chapter VI: The Formula of Justice

Chapter VII: The Authority of This Formula

Chapter VIII: Its Corollaries

Chapter IX: The Right To Physical Integrity

Chapter X: The Rights To Free Motion And Locomotion

Chapter XI: The Rights To The Uses Of Natural Media

Chapter XII: The Right of Property

Chapter XIII: The Right of Incorporeal Property

Chapter XIV: The Rights of Gift And Bequest

Chapter XV: The Rights of Free Exchange And Free Contract

Chapter XVI: The Right To Free Industry

Chapter XVII: The Rights of Free Belief And Worship

Chapter XVIII: The Rights of Free Speech And Publication

Chapter XIX: A Retrospect With An Addition

Chapter XX: The Rights of Women

Chapter XXI: The Rights of Children

Chapter XXII: Political Rights—So-Called

Chapter XXIII: The Nature of The State

Chapter XXIV: The Constitution of The State

Chapter XXV: The Duties of The State

Chapter XXVI: The Limits of State-Duties

Chapter XXVII: The Limits of State-Duties Continued

Chapter XXVIII: The Limits of State-Duties Continued

Chapter XXIX: The Limits of State-Duties Concluded

Part V: Negative Beneficence

Chapter I: Kinds of Altruism

Chapter II: Restraints On Free Competition

Chapter III: Restraints On Free Contract

Chapter IV: Restraints On Undeserved Payments

Chapter V: Restraints On Displays of Ability

Chapter VI: Restraints On Blame

Chapter VII: Restraints On Praise

Chapter VIII: The Ultimate Sanctions

Part VI: Positive Beneficence

Chapter I: Marital Beneficence

Chapter II: Parental Beneficence

Chapter III: Filial Beneficence

Chapter IV: Aiding The Sick And The Injured

Chapter V: Succour To The Ill-Used And The Endangered

Chapter VI: Pecuniary Aid To Relatives And Friends

Chapter VII: Relief of The Poor

Chapter VIII: Social Beneficence

Chapter IX: Political Beneficence

Chapter X: Beneficence At Large


Appendix A: The Kantian Idea of Rights

Appendix B: The Land-Question

Appendix C: The Moral Motive

Appendix D: Conscience In Animals

Appendix E: Replies To Criticisms


Titles of Works Referred To

Subject Index

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