Mises in America

Mises in America


William H. Peterson

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The great essayist and economist pens a tribute to his colleague and teacher. Dr. Peterson knew Dr. Mises well. Both were professors at New York University. In this monograph, he describes his temperament and personality as well as his scholarly contributions - all in Peterson's legendary style. It is a fascinating portrait and moving tribute to a master.

Summary courtesy of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. The Mises Institute is the premier organization in support of the free market, peace and prosperity. They provide free educational material, books audio books, lectures and courses that free your mind. This site would not exist were it not for the generosity, hard work and dedication of the Mises Institute, its employees, fellows and its benefactors. Books of Liberty is eternally grateful to all of their work and efforts. Please consider supporting the Mises Institute in any way you can.

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